We believe communities thrive from true partnerships between ocean custodians, landowners, non-profits,municipalities and other stakeholders. Leelavathi Foundation
Animals around the world need people like you.
Natural ecosystems around the world are collapsing and many animals are struggling to find water and food.
Help Leelavathi Foundation address human-animal conflict scientifically and ethically.
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Services We Do
Leelavathi Foundation
Leelavathi Foundation
Animal protection
Leelavathi Foundation
Leelavathi Foundation
Leelavathi Foundation
Leelavathi Foundation
Population Revival
Leelavathi Foundation
Leelavathi Foundation
Animal protection
Leelavathi Foundation
Leelavathi Foundation
Population Revival
Leelavathi Foundation
Leelavathi Foundation
Leelavathi Foundation
Meet Our Team
Leelavathi Foundation
Animals Rescue
Donation Required
Currently Animals at Foundation
Daily street dogs feeding
Latest Works
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Join us to protect the animals and natural habitats in Vizag
join Team
As a Leelavathi Foundation team, you will protect our natural resources and the environment for future generations.
Give Monthly
Animals need care year round. Please commit to helping our animals on a monthly basis.
Watch a brief video tour of our Shelters at Vizag
Leelavathi Foundation
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