Leelavathi Foundation
More than 350 animals are tortured by the food industry each year. The land and sea animals we consume are sentient beings capable of positive and negative experiences such as pleasure and pain. In factory farms, these animals are confined, unable to practice their most basic behaviors, and subjected to painful and stressful practices, such as castration, tail-cutting, debeaking, or horn cutting without any anesthesia. Although laws seek to regulate how animals are treated in different production processes, the suffering of millions of animals cannot be denied.
The homeless person, the 10th generation fisherwoman, the indigenous tribesman, the mentally challenged or physically disabled poor in India have no access to healthy plant-based food options. They are concerned about getting one meal a day.
Animals around the world need people like you. Natural ecosystems around the world are collapsing and many animals are struggling to find water and food..
© 2017 Leelavathi Foundation. All rights reserved
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